Three Strikes and You're Out!
Cleburne HS Seniors
Class of 1933

Three Strikes and You're Out!

Top Row Left to Right: Emmett Young, Class Sponsor; Edward Leaton, Kathlyn Drake, Wallace Lawson, Katie Beth Lilly, Jack Ellis, Mrs. Gerald Sensabaugh, Director.
Bottom Row: Sarah Marie Newlin, Dorothy Tatum, Alfred Earl White, Melba High, Rose Marie Lothholz, Emmett Ellett.


Mr. Samuel Phelps
Mrs. Lavinia Phelps
Miss Lois Phelps
Mr. Edward Porter
Mrs. Ethel Porter
Mr. Mortimer Weldon
Miss Lita Weldon
Mr. Dizzy Wynne
Russel Rogers
Jinnie Hanks
Lester Trader
Robert Bryan

Alfred Earl White
Rose Marie Lothholz
Dorothy Tatum
Jack Ellis
Katie Beth Lilly
Wallace Lawson
Kathlyn Drake
Emmett Ellett
Edward Leaton
Sara Marie Nowlin
Melba High
Charles Cosgrove